Monday, August 29, 2005

Getting settled

I moved into my new place about a week ago - since then been very busy facilitating a course at work. It has some weird things, my new place. Its on the 21st floor but the laundry, which leads onto the kitchen, is on the outside of the building, but has a very dodgy window - it is like a glass sliding pane with no much of a seal on it. It's pretty Chinese to close off your kitchen from the rest of the house and not heat or cool it much.

Also, the kitchen doesn't have an oven, instead it has this weird plate steriliser thing, which looks like an oven from the outside, and looks like a dishwasher on the inside. I'm not sure how it works but it was a new invention after SARS which took off like nothing else - I've seen them in heaps of apartments. I have no intention of using it apart from as a cupboard. Its all in Chinese anyway.

Speaking of appliances being in Chinese, my washing machine is in Chinese. I had to take a picture of it and then take the picture to work for translation. I have a vague idea of what cycle I'm on when I do my washing now.

On the weekend I visited IKEA! Yes they have it here too. Its an absolute nightmare, people everywhere walking really slowly. The place is massive though and I bought a few essentials for the apartment.


Anonymous said...

Ikea - washing machines that are in chinese... stoves that arent ... these are all UKO (unidentified kitchen objects...)

love it!

Anonymous said...

hi bec,
good to hear its all the adventure you expected. did you get that cleaner/housewatcher/dry cleaning pick up person?
How was the faciliation? was is in english?

ill have to tell yvonne about the IKEA. they are taking over the world!
