Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The peak hour subway

I had my first experience on the Shanghai MTR, or mass transit rail, this evening. I had to meet my real estate agent at 6pm and realised I was not going to get a taxi in time as there were none available during peak hour. So I got onto the subway. When the train arrived on the platform it was already absolutely packed. The doors opened, some people fell out and then we got in. I didn't need to hold onto anything because we were jam packed and I wasn't going anyway. I only had to go one stop, but before we got there people were already jostling towards the doors. The doors opened, and I fell out, along with a few people who didn't intend to but were in the way. Apparently sometimes they have 'pushers' to pack even more people in. A lady at work said that last time she got on she couldn't get off at her stop because she wasn't close enough to the door.

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